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Zhejiang Daren Group

Company Profile
Zhejiang Daren Group was estavlished in 1994, the Decoration Factory and Knitting Sock Factory are subsidiary co***nies of it. the two factories are specialized in necklace, pendant, ring, bracelet, earring, hair accessories, key chain, jewelry set, brooch made of different materials such as wood, bead, plastic, metal, stone, rubber etc. and different kinds of head band, wrist band, wrist band with watch, hair band, sock, stocking, slipper etc,

The two factories are all locates in Yiwu, China, prov...
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Contact Us
Company: Zhejiang Daren Group
Contact: Mr. Andy yee
Address: A46-1#,qingliuyan,
Tel: 86-579-5390275
Fax: 86-579-5026501


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Tel : 86-579-5390275 Fax : 86-579-5026501
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